AppSec Q&A

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May 16 11:30 AM EDT

This is a Q&A session. Moderators will take audience questions both remotely and on-site via

Q&A Discussion for the AppSec block

Philippe Arteau ,

François Proulx Senior Product Security Engineer,

François is a Senior Product Security Engineer for BoostSecurity, where he leads the Supply Chain research team. With over 10 years of experience in building AppSec programs for large corporations (such as Intel) and small startups he has been in the heat of the action as the DevSecOps movement took shape. François is one of founders of NorthSec and was a challenge designer for the NorthSec CTF.

Benoit Cote-Jodoin Senior Product Security Engineer,

Benoît Côte-Jodoin is a Senior Product Security Engineer at BoostSecurity researching software supply chain security. Former active CTF player, he now designs challenges for the NorthSec CTF competition.

Fennix ,

Pronouns: he/him

I'm a lifelong hacker and avid selfhoster/homelabber who works a day job pentesting. On the side, I build CTF challenges and occasionally even go outside to see the world.